An Acoustic Analysis of Vowel Pronunciation in Swedish Dialects
The project aimed to study dialectal variation in Swedish vowel pronunciation. Dialectal variation was studied both in each vowel and on an aggregate level.
P.I.: Therese Leinonen. Supervisor: John Nerbonne. Started in 2005, finished in 2010.
Winner of the 2010 prize of the Kungl. Gustav Adolfs Akademien för svensk folkkultur, (Royal Gustav Adolph Academy for Swedish Folk Culture) including 25,000 Swedish Kronor, awarded 6 Nov. 2010.
Quantitative Perspectives on Syntactic Variation in Dutch Dialects
The project aimed to investigate how to adequately measure syntactic variation in Dutch dialects. It analyses Dutch syntax from a number of quantitative perspectives to study more general characteristics of syntactic variation.
P.I.: Marco René Spruit. Supervisor: John Nerbonne. Started in 2004, completed in 2008.